About Us

Innovation for Water Efficiency

At Marsh Water, we are passionate about bringing innovative solutions to the table when it comes to water efficiency. Our products have revolutionized the plumbing industry in Detroit and beyond. With a deep understanding of the importance of water to our customers and the community, we are committed to finding cost-effective ways to improve water quality and maximize efficiency.

Our patented products are designed to provide exceptional performance across the entire water distribution network. For instance, our Toilet Leak Prevention Device boasts automatic shut-off valves, ensuring zero water waste. Meanwhile, our inventive Shower Flow Controller aims to reduce water usage while proving to be tamper proof even against seasoned professionals. These breakthrough solutions are unmatched in Michigan and have proven to yield significant savings that endure over time.

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How Can We Help You?

We're here to assist you! If you have any questions, inquiries, or would like to learn more about our water conservation devices and services, feel free to reach out to us. 

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